Get Started with XValid
Welcome to XValid! This page will guide you through the steps to get started with the XValid validator library for C#. XValid provides easy-to-use functions to validate various data types, ensuring data integrity in your applications.
To use XValid in your C# project, you can install it via NuGet. Open your NuGet Package Manager Console and run the following command:
Install-Package XValid
Get Started with XValid
Welcome to XValid! This page will guide you through the steps to get started with the XValid validator library for C#. XValid provides easy-to-use functions to validate various data types, ensuring data integrity in your applications.
To use XValid in your C# project, you can install it via NuGet. Open your NuGet Package Manager Console and run the following command:
Install-Package XValid
Alternatively, you can install XValid using the Package Manager UI in Visual Studio.
Once you have installed XValid, you can start using it in your C# code. First, import the XValid
namespace to access the validation functions:
using XValid;
Email Validation
string email = "";
bool isValidEmail = Validator.IsValidEmail(email);
if (isValidEmail)
Console.WriteLine("Valid email address!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid email address!");
ISBN Validation
string isbn = "978-3-16-148410-0";
bool isValidISBN = Validator.IsValidISBN(isbn);
if (isValidISBN)
Console.WriteLine("Valid ISBN!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid ISBN!");
IBAN Validation
string iban = "DE89370400440532013000"; // Example IBAN (Germany)
bool isValidIBAN = Validator.IsValidIBAN(iban);
if (isValidIBAN)
Console.WriteLine("Valid IBAN!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid IBAN!");
Credit Card Validation
string creditCardNumber = "4111 1111 1111 1111"; // Example card number (Visa)
bool isValidCreditCard = Validator.IsValidCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber);
if (isValidCreditCard)
Console.WriteLine("Valid credit card number!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid credit card number!");
IP Address Validation
string ipAddress = ""; // Example IP address
bool isValidIPAddress = Validator.IsValidIPAddress(ipAddress);
if (isValidIPAddress)
Console.WriteLine("Valid IP address!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid IP address!");
Coordinate Validation
double latitude = 40.7128; // Example latitude
double longitude = -74.0060; // Example longitude
bool isValidCoordinate = Validator.IsValidCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
if (isValidCoordinate)
Console.WriteLine("Valid coordinate!");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid coordinate!");
That's it! You're all set to start using XValid for data validation in your C# projects. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, don't hesitate to check out the API Reference for more details.